
What is FreelanceArtProducer.com FreelanceArtProducer.com is a free website for freelance art producers to showcase their work and share their resumes, availability, contact information and other relevant links with people looking to hire them.

It is merely a tool for searching for freelance art producers and Heather Elder Represents, while providing this tool, has not vetted any any of the freelancers. Any experience Heather Elder Represents has with the freelancers personally is not shared on this site and booking a freelance found here is done so knowing that appearing here is not an endorsement from Heather Elder Represents.

What isn’t FreelanceArtProducer.com? It isn’t a database for agents or other vendors to find email addresses of freelancers who have otherwise enjoyed being under the radar.  Please remember that this is a tool for the art producers and they will no longer utilize the site if they think people are just using it to gain access to their email addresses.  Please be respectful of this and take the request seriously.

Is there a fee to join this website? No, as of right now, this is a free service.   If after the first year we find that the service is valuable enough to continue and we need to hire a person to help manage the site, there could be a small fee required. But for now, there is no fee required.

How will this site be promoted? Heather Elder Represents is committed to promoting this site. To do so, we will create a blog post for each member that showcases something special about them. It may be an interview for the Insider Art Producer series, or it could be something specifically geared toward that art producer. A contributing author to Heather’s blog, Notes From a Rep’s Journal,  has agreed to help create interesting content with the participants.

Since there is no fee, is there anything else you require? So much of what makes being a successful freelancer possible is the power of word of mouth. We ask that everyone be generous with their social media channels and promote the site and the blog posts of the art producers from our site that we publish on Notes From a Rep’s Journal. We know it seems odd to think about promoting an art producer other than yourself, but we believe in the power of community and supporting each other. This is of course not a requirement, just a hope of ours.

Is there a way to share availability or calendars? Time will not allow us to update a calendar for each person, but if you have a calendar that you are responsible for updating that can live on line and a link exists to view it, we can easily include it on your page.

What information do we need from you?
Each page is somewhat custom but we want to follow a format for the most part. If you do not see something you want to include, let us know and we can work with you to add it.  Please link to Want To Be on This Site?  for the steps to get started.

What did we forget that is important to you?

Any questions, ideas, or feedback, please email Heather directly at Heather@heatherelder.com or call the office at 415.931.7709  

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